Alle unsere Angebote mit Frühbucherrabatt
Fussballtrainingslager mit Frühbucherrabatt
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Früh buchen bedeutet auch sich die noch günstigen Ticketpreise der Airlines zu garantieren, so bleibt mehr Budget für Unterkunft, Verpflegung und Ausflüge!
Wenn Sie früh buchen bekommen Ihr Trainingslager noch so realisiert wie gewünscht, denn die Anzahl der Betten, Sitzplätze im gleichen Flieger, Trainingszeiten auf dem besten Fussballplatz etc. sind begrenzt. Entdecken Sie hier unsere Angebote mit Frühbucherrabatt und sichern Sie sich weitere Vorteile. Erstellen Sie sich gleich hier ganz einfach Ihre Offerte selbst oder rufen Sie uns an!
Lake Garda 2 offers
Natural pitch within walking distance
Exclusively bookable with us
Lake Garda / Italy
∅ 4.38 from 5
/ 51 Ratings
- Pitch within walking distance
- Great food
- Great value for money
- Excellent natural grass pitch
view offer
Natural pitch within walking distance
Exclusively bookable with us
Lake Garda / Italy
∅ 4.48 from 5
/ 16 Ratings
- Pitch within walking distance
- Great food
- Great value for money
- Excellent natural grass pitch
view offer
Antalya 1 offers
Top training camp package
15 minutes from Antalya
Good natural grass pitch
Antalya / Turkey
∅ 4.5 from 5
/ 5 Ratings
- Natural grass pitch
- Directly on the beach
- Wellness included
- All Inclusive
view offer
Costa del Sol 2 offers
Directly on the beach
Great food
Spacious rooms
Natural grass and artificial turf pitch available
Short distance by car
Many sporting opportunities
Costa del Sol / Spain
∅ 4.39 from 5
/ 21 Ratings
- Natural grass pitch
- Nightlife
- Directly on the beach
- Excellent food
view offer
Tropical Garden
All Inclusive
Wellness center
New-generation artificial turf
2 natural grass pitches
Self-drive minibuses
Costa del Sol / Spain
∅ 4.2 from 5
/ 5 Ratings
- Nightlife
- All Inclusive
- Large wellness area
- Excellent Artificial grass pitch
view offer
Costa Blanca 1 offers
Artificial turf within walking distance
In the center of Benidorm
Wellness center
good value for money
Costa Blanca / Spain
∅ 4.26 from 5
/ 27 Ratings
- Nightlife
- Pitch within walking distance
- All Inclusive
- Artificial grass pitch
view offer
Mallorca 3 offers
Super location
Synthetic pitch within walking distance
good value for money
Quiet location
Diverse leisure activities
beach within walking distance
Mallorca / Spain
∅ 4.25 from 5
/ 1 Rating
- Pitch within walking distance
- Perfect location
- Excellent Artificial grass pitch
- Outside pools
view offer
modern rooms
Wellness center
Near the beach
Football Pitch in walking distance
Quiet location
Great food
Mallorca / Spain
∅ 3.83 from 5
/ 1 Rating
- Pitch within walking distance
- Wellness included
- Excellent Artificial grass pitch
- Good fitness center
5 Days / 4 Nights
Half board
view offer
This offer can currently not be booked
Mallorca / Spain
∅ 5 from 5
/ 1 Rating
- Nightlife
- Pitch within walking distance
- Great food
- Artificial grass pitch
view offer
Gran Canaria 1 offers
Wellness center
Adults only
2 natural grass pitches
This offer can currently not be booked
Gran Canaria / Spain
Playa del Ingles
∅ 3.75 from 5
/ 1 Rating
- Natural grass pitch
- Nightlife
- All Inclusive
- Outside pools
view offer
St. Julian's Bay 1 offers
St. Julian's Bay / Malta
∅ 4.39 from 5
/ 3 Ratings
- Nightlife
- Directly on the beach
- Pitch within walking distance
- Excellent Artificial grass pitch
view offer